
Sina Launches 9.8% Investment Product; Manna From Heaven or Trouble Brewing

Invest as little as 1 yuan, for 106 days, and earn 9.8% annualized interest. This was a promo product for Sina's Weibo finance site, 微财富.

The reporter in the piece below sees plenty of possible risk in this high yield product. Simple information such as how the funds are being used is unavailable to investors......

Yu E Bao yields will soon fall below 4%, 6% or more bank financing products hard to find, P2P platform collapse-prone, still stuck ...... Aunt grab gold treasure in the balance of the era, and not on the current financial market low-risk low-income threshold for a high product available. Recently, a product called "bills treasure" in front of investors, is said to be one yuan investment, the annual rate of return of up to 9.8%, the only risk is that bank failures. Even the cast of millions from the financial products it is difficult to nearly 10% of the revenue, "notes treasure" is the gospel vario finance it? High yield really no risk? Whether the income is guaranteed?

Hot: high-yield products within two minutes to grab empty

July 4, Sina launched its "micro-wealth" financial platform for a yield of 9.8% notes of financial products, according to the publicity, 14009 treasure bills by the Minsheng Bank(6.02, -0.09, -1.47%) , Dongguan Sales acceptance, yields include "universal access" event 8% and 1.8% in high-yield notes treasure subsidies, 1 yuan investment, the investment period a total of 106 days. Unconditional acceptance by bank guarantee of principal and interest, principal and interest of safety.

Use of this product in a column financing, simply write Shenzhen Ya Chang Ming Trading Co., has not introduced any specific investment channels. Reporters in the online search, did not find this company data and information. July 4, the product offering within two minutes, more than one million financing facility was 227 investors looted. The platform news shows, there are notes of financial products within 18 seconds to raise successful, raising three million financing facility there within 30 seconds.

According to Sina wealth customer service introduction, notes treasure responsible for product design, Sina wealth only provides sales channels.

Mode: mortgage financing with Bank Draft

Notes treasure called bankers' acceptances, commercial bills is a, is the acceptance by the bank to open a deposit account depositors ticket to the bank by the bank agreed to review the application and acceptance, unconditional guarantee to pay a specified date determined amount to the payee or holder.

Bao Online official customer bills introduced bills Bao financial mode is equivalent to the financing needs of enterprises will have its own bank acceptance bills as collateral, and thus financing. Maturity equivalent to the return of investor interest income business loan financing.

Statistics show that China's treasure bills bills network and financial network introduced bill financing, notes financial services platform, under the bill, Shenzhen Bao Financial Services Limited. "Notes treasure" will be locked into high quality corporate financiers emerging domestic industries under. The slogan is "zero risk" on the grounds that the promissory notes are among the line of strong, reputable bank, rigid acceptance, the risk of becoming zero. Only their risk of bank failure risk.

Doubt a 9.8% yields zero risk?

No product description and details of the terms of guaranteed income

Notes treasure: Notes treasure gains of 6% -10% between 21 to 180 days of interest-earning period, one hundred percent safety, zero risk.

Reporter website offering open treasure bills, "notes treasure finance the project first 94" products, which indicate the annualized rate of return of 6.95%, Bank of Zhejiang bank acceptances, investment for a period of one month from the investment amount is 1 yuan. Compared to the current 5% of the bank financing market, the annual yield of about 4% of the balance of treasure indeed attract attention.

But open this financial products, there is only one page bill treasure "This product security" propaganda figure. In addition, no investment details about the product description, there is no word whether the preservation of commitments.

Notes treasure online customer service, said not only protect the treasure bills, and absolutely guaranteed income, but about revenue sources, customer service is only interpreted as interest financing companies, did not explain to invest in specific funds.

In 9.8% of revenue bills treasure products, Sina "micro wealth" Products marked with the words on the page but also the safety of principal and interest. But in a formal product introduction, the reporter found only expressed on bank bill payment of principal, did not find the specific terms of the investment direction and ensure the introduction of income.

Notes Bao explained that the reason why the bill Bao financial gain than other financial products, because the bills treasure belongs to the class of non-standard, unlike other products Monetary Fund, its yield will be higher than the standard product.

"The current paper market discount rate of between 4% and 6%, if the proceeds of the notes can really finance up to 10%, why we do not develop their own financial products, and the profit transfer to the Internet platform?" One State-owned bank financial account manager said that as bills of financial products on behalf of the subject of bankers' acceptances is bank credit. But it does not mean absolutely no risk, which exists cloning vote delayed payment risks. In addition, "these platforms really grasp the true bill, the platform getting the Secured Notes, these investors can research it?"

"Southern Metropolis Daily" quoted the deputy governor of Guangdong introduction of a bank, similar to the "treasure bills," such financial products, from the business principle works, it could theoretically yield of 8% or even higher, but there are risks. "The first is the credit risk of the platform if the platform does not guarantee the credit, then it's the authenticity of the bill, and it promised all sorts of propaganda explosion point, the credibility to be playing a big question mark."

Insiders said that a large market scale of China's finance bill, but the bills are nascent financial products, mode mechanism is not yet mature, coupled with information opacity, there were no clear rules and regulations and wind control system, which may hide many risks.

Doubt 2

10 years of operational security?

"Notes treasure" was established only a month

Notes treasure: 10 years experience in security operations, nearly 0 risk asset protection. Behind treasure bills, bills stood Chinese networks and financial network giant two professional website notes.

Reporters found that the on-line time, "notes treasure" of this product is 16 June 2014. Notes treasure website official website announced the business license states that bills treasure up time for the June 3, 2014, the legal representative for Li Huajun. As for the network and its parent company, China Bills Finance network, also has not reached 10 years of operating time.

Financial information network official website, the site officially launched in November 2008 tests to bankers' acceptances and bills discounted rates trading information as the core product.

Reporters many inquiries found that the current Chinese network has two bills, one is "sponsored China Foreign Exchange Trade System & National Interbank Funding Center" by telephone, said that the website does not know the bills feedback treasure this business. Similarly, another called "China bills network" is a treasure site notes mentioned "professional website giant bill." In this Chinese bills online, the reporter did not find its official information on.

In addition, the financial network and China Telecom network notes record number are "GD ICP 09007025 No." and "GD ICP No. 09007025 -3", whose business address is located in the "Futian District, Shenzhen Tairan eight 33 Yunsong Building. " Notes treasure customer service, said China bills networks and financial network was merged last year, after the merger bills treasure is an important product launch.

Doubt 3

Bank, the country pay treasure to ensure safety?

States need to pay Bao said the investment risk themselves

Notes treasure: treasure bills and bank signed a custody agreement, involving all the notes are kept on the platform at the bank. Guofu Bao Bao fiscal third parties to provide funds for the hosting bills, process monitoring investor capital flows, comprehensive security funds to protect investors.

Reporters yesterday on the text referred to "the bank" repeatedly asked treasure bills online customer service, received no reply. Reporters repeatedly call the customer service phone bills treasure official, but unable to connect.

In a prominent position above the parent company of treasure bills, "China Network notes," the official website, the reporter saw a signature Miss King's "long-term acquisition of small bills ticket prices as low as 800 yuan," the note purchase information.

Tianjin, a city firm relevant bank official said, "The current market is very complicated bill discounting, the market many fake tickets, fake tickets need to identify whether it is to get professionals to distinguish carefully distinguished bills as soon as there are false notes appear or 'cloning' notes, will bring great investment risk to investors. "

Bao security bill in the official website of a column, the reporter saw, "notes treasure" Money has a third-party funding hosting platform for the country to pay Bao electronic payment only national certification, third-party payment platform. In the country Fu Baoguan Network reporter saw, the country is relying on Information Technology Co., Fu Baoxin China International Electronic Commerce Center initiated the formation of the government and corporate demand for e-commerce development and background to create an independent state party payment platform.

Guofu treasure customer service staff, said yesterday that Shenzhen Bao Financial Services Limited bill currently does treasure for the country to pay merchants. But when a reporter asked if the treasure bills payment default occurs, the national treasure is liable for breach of the payment, the customer service said that in the national treasure of the merchants pay a personal financial investment behavior, investors need to bear the investment risk, the country pay treasure does not assume responsibility for the joint guarantee treasure bills.

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